Policy & Procedures

The following PDF documents serve as a comprehensive reference to all matters relating to CIDA and the accreditation process. Major topics include:

I. Council for Interior Design Accreditation
II. Professional Standards 2022, for site visits taking place before July 1, 2024
Professional Standards 2024, for site visits taking place after July 1, 2024
III. Guidance for Self Study
IV. Applying for Accreditation
V. Site Visit
VI. Accreditation
VII. Maintaining Accredited Status
VIII. Fees, for site visits taking place before January 1, 2025
VIII. Fees, for site visits taking place after January 1, 2025
IX. Standards Essays 2020
Standards Essays 2024
X. CIDA in 2023

If you would like to receive the Application for Accreditation or Request for Site Visit Dates forms or the electronic templates for completing the Program Analysis Report or Curriculum Matrix, please e-mail the CIDA office.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these documents. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe website for instructions to download the free software.