Call for Presenters

CIDA Virtual Accreditation Workshop Sessions

CIDA will be offering a series of virtual workshops for programs in February 2023, and we are looking for presenters. Each virtual session/presentation will take place once.

CALL FOR PRESENTERS: Proposals due in the CIDA office on January 13, 2023.

Conversations about Self-study

1) CIDA is seeking presenters on the topic of program self-study in preparation for a CIDA accreditation review. 

If your program conducted a self-study in preparation for a recent accreditation review, please consider sharing your experience by submitting a presentation proposal for a virtual CIDA Accreditation Workshop session.

Presentation proposals must address:

  • How CIDA’s Professional Standards were used for self-assessment

  • What assessment methods were used and which produced the best information about program quality

  • Who was engaged, and how, in the analysis of self-assessment information

  • What conclusions were drawn from the assessment and how the program acted on those conclusions

  • How assessment prepared the program for an accreditation review and advice to programs undertaking self-study in preparation for an accreditation review

The presentation should be approximately 45 minutes in length, including time for discussion. If your presentation is selected, you will receive an honorarium of $500. 

2) CIDA is seeking presenters on the topic of writing an informative and effective CIDA self-study report. 

If you prepared a Program Analysis Report for a recent accreditation review, please consider sharing your experience by submitting a presentation proposal for a virtual CIDA Accreditation Workshop session.

Presentation proposals must address: 

  • Who was engaged, and how, in the report writing process

  • Lessons learned during the report writing process

  • The timeline developed to guide the report writing process, and how closely the program adhered to the timeline 

  • The process used to determine what type and how much information to include in the report, particularly in terms of addressing compliance with CIDA Standards and sources of evidence for expectations

  • Standards and expectations that were difficult to address and discuss why these areas were troublesome. 

The presentation should be approximately 45 minutes in length, including time for discussion. If your presentation is selected, you will receive an honorarium of $500. 

Organizing Physical and virtual materials for a CIDA accreditation review

1) CIDA is accepting presentation proposals focused on creating a virtual display for a CIDA accreditation review

If your program created a virtual display for a recent accreditation review, please consider sharing your experience by submitting a presentation proposal for a virtual CIDA Accreditation Workshop session.

Presentation proposals must address:

  • Who was engaged, and how, in creating the virtual display

  • What platform was used for the virtual display; why did you select that option; and would you use the same platform in the future

  • The timeline developed to guide the process of conceptualizing and organizing the virtual display, and how closely the program adhered to the timeline 

  • The process used to determine what type and how much information/evidence to include in the report display

  • Lessons learned while creating the virtual display, what were the challenges and what would you do differently in the future

The presentation should be approximately 45 minutes in length and include time for questions. If your presentation is selected, you will receive an honorarium of $500.

2) CIDA is accepting presentation proposals focused on creating a display for a CIDA accreditation review that includes both physical and virtual materials

If your program created a display for a recent accreditation review, please consider sharing your experience by submitting a presentation proposal for a virtual CIDA Accreditation Workshop session.

Presentation proposals must address:

  • Who was engaged, and how, in creating the CIDA display

  • What platform was used to display virtual materials; why did you select that option; and would you use the same platform in the future

  • The process and methods used to determine what materials to display physically and what materials to display virtually 

  • The timeline developed to guide the process of conceptualizing and organizing the display, and how closely the program adhered to the timeline 

  • The process used to determine what type and how much information/evidence to include in the report display

  • Lessons were learned while creating the CIDA display, what were the challenges and what would you do differently in the future.  

The presentation should be approximately 45 minutes in length and include time for questions. If your presentation is selected, you will receive an honorarium of $500.

Ashley Marcangelo