A Message to Programs from CIDA's Executive Director RE: COVID-19 Response

A message from CIDA's Executive Director Holly Mattson

RE: Higher Education COVID-19 Response

CIDA is keenly aware of precautions being taken by individuals, employers, and communities to contain and prevent the spread of coronavirus in North America and abroad. We understand that a number of colleges and universities are temporarily shifting instructional delivery online for the immediate future and may be making other adjustments to protect the health and welfare of their communities. In this urgent response situation, a temporary shift in delivery method will not impact your interior design program's current CIDA accreditation status, although we appreciate programs keeping us informed. 

If your program is preparing for a CIDA accreditation review in the coming year, please continue to track virtual delivery and collect digital student work. CIDA is accustomed to reviewing course materials and student work from courses that are delivered online. Guidelines for displaying digital student work can be found at: CIDA site visit policy, page 8. Also, please stay in close communication with CIDA about your program's circumstances and work with Megan Scanlan, Director of Accreditation, megan@accredit-id.org, to navigate any questions or concerns you have.      

Ashley Marcangelo